July 18, 2013

Who Brought the White Girl?

By Michelle Alexander
Is race and segregation still an issue? As the fight for equality heats up and more of us are on the front lines demanding equality, dare I ask: What do your life, decisions, social circles, conversations, jokes, and thoughts say about the level of equality you operate from?
July 17, 2013

Heather Mizeur Running for Governor of Maryland

July 17, 2013 - Today, State Delegate Heather Mizeur (D-Takoma Park) officially announced her run for Governor of Maryland. She would be the nation’s first openly gay person elected governor.
July 16, 2013
Ladies Night at PW's Sports Bar

Ladies Night at PW’s

PW's Sports Bar

Photos by Chris Jennings
July 11, 2013
HEI 2013

Human Rights Campaign Unveils Leaders in Healthcare Equality

Today the Human Rights Campaign announced the “2013 Leaders in LGBT Healthcare Equality”. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation Health & Aging Program (HAP) officially administered the index and came up with four core criteria.