January 21, 2014

W.Y.S.M.: Sheila Alexander-Reid

Name: Sheila Alexander-Reid
City, State of Residence: Ellicott City, MD
Age: Old enough to know better.
January 18, 2014

President Obama Nominates Lesbian to the U.S. District Court

President Barack Obama has nominated Staci Michelle Yandle for federal judgeship. If confirmed, Yandle will be the first gay judge in the seventh circuit, which includes Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.
January 15, 2014

Supporters Gather for 'Out & Ready for Hillary'

Wednesday, January 15 at 7:00 p.m., Ready for Hillary will host an “Out & Ready for Hillary” LGBT event at Town Danceboutique in Washington, D.C.
January 7, 2014

Advocate Names D.C. as Gayest City in America

Following The New York Times calling Washington, D.C. “the gayest place in America” via Jeremy Peters’ November article, The Advocate has recently named D.C. as the gayest city in America.