November 2, 2012
Two pretty smiling girls happily looking at each other while spending time together in cozy courtyard

Lesbian Dating 101

Five Easy Ways to Ask a Woman Out

By Candy Parker For all but the most confident of lesbian Lotharios, asking a woman out is an intimidating prospect. No one enjoys the sting of rejection and if the object of your desire has been a long-term friend, proposing to elevate the relationship can be risky. In order to make the task a little less daunting we offer the five following methods for asking a woman out.
September 2, 2012
Two cartoon women kissing

Single and Sick of It?

Advice for getting back into the dating scene and finding Mrs. Right

By Meghann Novinskie and Kim Rosenberg All of us have been single (and frustrated) at some point during our adult lives. As mature women, we’ve had significant relationships at various stages of our lives, and find ourselves becoming more and more selective when it comes to dating and finding a mate. Rightfully so. Some of us celebrate being single, considering who is “out there,” and anticipate the first strong connection made with someone new. For others, being single is dreaded, and the idea of dating again can be extremely daunting. Regardless of how you see yourself in your “single mirror” there are a few crucial steps to consider before putting on your dating shoes.