Name: Blue Telusma
City, State: Washington, D.C and Los Angeles
Age: 36
Profession: Writer and Filmmaker
Website: Facebook.com/BlueTelusma
In a few words, how would you describe yourself?
I’m compulsively authentic; good or bad I don’t pretend to be anyone other than myself. When that works in my favor, it’s great! And when it doesn’t – I take accountability for my missteps without making excuses. I can be a jokester, but emotional maturity is something I take very seriously.
Your favorite hangout spots.
The airport. I love to travel. I also love the beach. Being near the water is like therapy for me. Day to day though, I find myself hanging out a lot at coffee shops and bookstores. Which is such a cliché writer thing to say – but it’s true.
Favorite guilty pleasure.
Spa days and chocolate dipped strawberries! Self-care is so essential.
Favorite quote.
“I am a human being, and therefore nothing human is foreign to me” – We’re all interconnected. I truly believe that. So when I have an intense reaction to someone, I ask myself “is there something about this person that reminds me of me? Why do I really feel so strongly about this?” Taking that approach makes it easier to see people as people rather than characters in some melodrama you’ve created in your mind.
Who is your biggest influence? And why?
I am very much my mother’s child. My mom has never been “normal” and the things about her that I used to find embarrassing as a kid, are now the parts of myself that I’ve learned to cherish the most. She’s gregarious, fiercely protective, shamelessly sex positive and always has a twinkle in her eye. Her playfulness mortified me in high school. To rebel, I found myself wanting to be poised, graceful and demure. In my young mind, women like that always seemed to have it easier than bold Amazons like my mom. But as fate would have it I’m just as outspoken and mischievous as she is (maybe more so).
Favorite event.
I recently fell in love with Afropunk; happy, free-spirited people of color dancing under the stars is always good look.
Do you have any regrets in life?
The former perfectionist in me had plenty of regrets, and they all basically gravitated around not being perfect. But I’m not that girl anymore. I’ve chosen to trust the timing of my life. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. So regrets don’t make sense.
Favorite lesbian celebrity:
Wonder Woman. She’s a bad-ass demigoddess. What’s there not to love? And don’t even get me started on that outfit.
Any fun facts or anything else you want our readers to know?
The best advice I ever got from someone was “savor it”. Whenever something awesome happens to you, be it a tender moment, a great achievement, or even just a good meal with people you love – remember to savor it. We spend so much time staring at our computer and phone screens that we sometimes forget to be in the moment.