Barbara Proud (left) at a book signingBarbara Proud (left) at a book signing in Seattle, WA

Barbara Proud (aka B. Proud),  is an award-winning photographer who divides her time between commercial assignments, fine art projects, documentary projects, and teaching at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is included in many public and private collections.

In addition to being a long-time LGBTQ advocate, she lived in Europe for seven years, fueling a lifelong passion for food, wine, and travel.


Describe yourself in a six-word sentence.

Artist dedicated to making a difference.


What was the last thing you shared on social media?
Images of my large prints coming off the printer for an exhibition. Two images from “Transcending Love” won first place in an international photo competition and will be on exhibit next month in Philadelphia.


What do you think is the main challenge facing LGBTQ people in your community?
The Republican Party.


What is your favorite LGBTQ business where you live?
B. Proud Photography, Inc.—Certified LGBTE and available for assignment.


You mentioned wanting more people to participate in “Transcending Love.” Tell us about that.
I’m currently working on a documentary project about transgender and gender non-conforming couples. This is a sequel project to “First Comes Love: Portraits of Enduring LGBTQ Relationships,” which is a traveling exhibition of photographs, stories, film, and a hardbound book.

“Transcending Love” is my current project and I’m in search of couples around the country, particularly couples of color. My intent for this project is to show the broadest range of ethnic, geographic, socio-economic, gender, and chronological diversity so that in the end, this project will say, “America, this is YOUR neighbor.” I am very passionate about this project and hope to bring greater visibility and understanding to the trans community. I will be making formal portraits of the couples as well as filming a video interview and additional footage. Only one of the members of the couple need to identify as transgender or gender non-conforming. Please visit for more info.







By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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