Woman's Neck
Disembodied Voices: Eva
April 29, 2015
Supreme Court Ruling: Now We Wait
April 29, 2015

Lambda Legal Receives First-Ever Million Dollar Match Pledge to Support Future LGBT Equality Work


Five days before the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case for marriage equality, Lambda Legal’s Board Co-Chair Karen Dixon announced that she and her wife Nan Schaffer are donating a $1 million match to the organization that will support future work to achieve equality for LGBTQ people and people living with HIV. The largest match in organizational history, Dixon and Shaffer are challenging people across the country to meet the match and ensure that Lambda Legal will receive the full $1 million – directly turning the donation into important legal and advocacy work.

From now until the Supreme Court decision date (presumably late June), Dixon and Schaffer will be matching donations – dollar for dollar – as well as online actions that show support for equality. A full list of actions and ways to participate can be found at www.lambdalegal.org.

“Even as we’re poised to win what we hope will be a big victory for marriage, we have well-funded opponents who are more  determined than ever to turn back our advances,” said Dixon. “And the day after marriage equality is legal in all 50 states, employment discrimination against LGBT people will remain rampant, too often leaving exceptional workers suddenly holding a pink slip. We need to increase our team of experienced lawyers and advocates to make sure that if you post your wedding photos on Facebook, you won’t be fired the next day.”

Visit www.lambdalegal.org to show your support by saying “#IDO.” Say “#IDO” for people across our country who need allies and supporters.
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Tagg Magazine
Tagg Magazine is a corner of the internet centering lesbians, LGBTQ+ women, and sapphic folks.