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Room 1207 – Part 3

Two women hold each other in an intimate embrace.

Photo: Natalia Blauth

When Nova arrived at the office on Monday at 8:30 am, she saw a large hardcover book on her desk. The title, “Doing it Right,” was displayed against a blue background, featuring a smiling woman with long curly hair and yellow earrings. The author’s name, “Gemma Stone,” was written in yellow.

Picking up the book, Nova asked shakily, “Who’s Gemma Stone?” her eyes focused on the last name.

“That’s Yatta’s wife!”  Nova’s coworker, Sadie, said excitedly. 

Sadie continued, “We just got the marketing contract for her new book tour, there’s an all-hands meeting at 9.” 

Nova sat down, trying to stay calm despite feeling dizzy. She was still processing her intense encounter with Yatta on Friday and had avoided speaking to her all weekend.

Sadie continued in a whisper as she leaned in, “She’s supposed to be some queer relationship expert, but from what I hear, homegirl is actually straight.” 

“Becoming a ‘Stone’ had her turning over a new leaf, if you know what I’m saying,” she giggled. 

“Team, I’d like you all to meet New York Times Best Selling Author Gemma Stone,” Mr. Bryant announced proudly as Gemma beamed from ear to ear at the front of the conference room. She was even more stunning in person.

Nova avoided eye contact with Yatta despite her numerous attempts from across the room. Gazing blankly at Gemma, Nova hoped no one would notice the tears welling up in her eyes. 


Nova spent the rest of the day working with her headphones on and her phone set to DND.

Later that evening, she waited for the elevator to the garage. Once it arrived, Nova stepped in, sliding her phone into her pocket. Just as the doors began to close, Yatta stepped on. 

Nova bit her lip and tried to remain calm. 

They rode silently for 2 floors until Yatta said, “I’m sorry, Nova.” 

Nova raised her hand, unable to find the words. 

Yatta tried grabbing Nova’s hand, but she stepped away. “You have a wife,” Nova said, her voice trembling.

“Nova, I didn’t mean for you to find out this way, everything happened so fast, and taking on the book tour was literally just decided last night, it was out of my hands, I promise,” Yatta pleaded.

The elevator doors opened and Nova rushed toward her car, “I’m so stupid, I knew I shouldn’t have fucked with you,” Nova cried out. “What the fuck was I thinking?”  

“Nova, wait!” Yatta called after her. 

Grabbing Nova’s arm, Yatta swung Nova around, pinning her against the car. 

“Nova, I’m really sorry. I can’t even imagine how awkward things must feel for you,” Yatta said. 

Nova stared at her feet, too scared to look into Yatta’s eyes.

“I know this may sound like b.s. right now,” Yatta continued, “But I can’t stop thinking about you.” 

Yatta grabbed Nova’s chin to look into her eyes and continued, “And no matter how hard I try to deny it, I have feelings for you. I judge myself every day,” she whispered.

Nova looked into Yatta’s tearful eyes. Despite her confusion and frustration, Nova leaned in and kissed her. 

Little did they know— a shadowy figure in the nearby stairwell was recording their entire interaction.



Lenox is a writer, editor, filmmaker, and business owner from the Bronx, NY. Lenox hold a Bachelor's in Journalism and a Master's in Sports Management. Lenox enjoys creating fly things, developing dope ideas, and engaging in community conversation.