Bella Ramsey and Maisy Stella Seem to Confirm Relationship Via IG Stories

October 13, 2024
A split screen image of Bella Ramsey taking a selfie in a suit on the left and Maisy Stella taking a selfie in a dressing room on the right.Bella Ramsey & Maisy Stella via their InstagramsA split screen image of Bella Ramsey taking a selfie in a suit on the left and Maisy Stella taking a selfie in a dressing room on the right.

This Is Us and Game of Thrones star Bella Ramsey, 21, and Nashville and This Old Ass star Maisy Stella, 20, made overt posts to Instagram stories showing they’re together (yay!).

On Ramsey’s birthday on September 25, Stella made two Instagram story posts. In one, Stella wrote, “Beautiful beautiful beautiful, happy birthday the coolest, comfiest, most wonderful human imaginable.” She added a red heart with the photo of Ramsey. In the other, Stella posted a photo of the two embracing while Ramsey plants a kiss on her cheek.


The pair had been commenting on each other’s Instagram posts since January, fueling rumors of a relationship. In one comment, Ramsey, who came out as genderfluid in January 2023, wrote, “Oh how you shiiiiiine.”


A screenshot of Maisy Stella's Instagram, showing her on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. On the right, the comment sections shows a comment from Bella Ramsey reading, "Oh how you shiiiiiiiiine."
@maisystella on Instagram


With these clearer posts, it seems they’ve confirmed they’re dating. Congrats!





Sarah Prager

Sarah Prager is the author of the award-winning Queer, There, and Everywhere: 27 People Who Changed the World, Rainbow Revolutionaries: 50 LGBTQ+ People Who Made History, Kind Like Marsha: Learning from LGBTQ+ Leaders, and A Child's Introduction to Pride: The Inspirational History and Culture of the LGBTQIA+ Community. Learn more about her speaking, writing, and more at

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