Have you ever been so stressed out that you just call everything off? Pull up the covers, and sleep the day away in your teddy? Or maybe you sit at your desk, staring at your computer, drowning in a sea of post-its.
I used to spend a lot of time looking back at my past, wondering why things happened the way they did; why things didn’t work out the way they were supposed to; and wondering what in the world I was thinking!
When, in the course of the LGBT movement, it becomes necessary for our people to break away from the political parties which have long since suppressed us [cough, Republicans, cough], harnessing the powers of equality and acceptance...
By Tiffany Mott-Smith
My introduction to my first queer community is, well, precious. It goes like this: Sheltered girl meets not-so-sheltered girl and freaks out about the giant middle finger she's given to gender conformity.