Young business woman - rainbow

Brands hold an immense amount of influence in the modern world, and so when companies choose to support a particular cause conspicuously, it can help to change perceptions and actually end up improving life for lots of people.

A number of businesses have become more vocal in their support for the LGBTQ movement in recent years, so here is a look at a few examples of brands that went above and beyond to get this positive message across.


Back in 2018, British fashion house Burberry used London Fashion Week as a platform to introduce a collection of diversity-inspired clothing, designed by creative director Christopher Bailey as an unambiguous move to celebrate difference in a world that is so seemingly obsessed with conformity.

This was accompanied by a photo series shot by Alasdair Mclellan, with each image being a unique and beautiful encapsulation of the transformative power of love when seen outside of the spectrum of gender.

These statements were all the more powerful coming from a brand which is seen as so traditional and almost archaic by some. And it didn’t hurt that the Burberry for men range was also undoubtedly appealing.


While some companies have only been jumping on the LGBTQ support bandwagon relatively recently, one brand which has been showing its support for the best part of a decade is Oreo.

While its cookies may be small and unassuming, the message it sent to audiences worldwide in 2012 when it shared a picture of a rainbow-coloured Pride version of its flagship product was clear.

Each year since then, Oreo has continued to come up with new and inventive ways to demonstrate its support for this cause, and in 2020 it even produced actual rainbow cookies, which were only offered as tokens to those who had gone above and beyond in their actions to allyship.


Some companies just talk the talk, but those that walk the walk and actually make a financial contribution to LGBTQ causes and concerns definitely deserve to be singled out for praise.

Nike is one such brand, and for the past ten years it has been on a proactive mission to not just promote the positive messages of Pride, but also to raise cash for associated charities and campaigns, donating over $2.5 million in the process, as well as sponsoring LGBTQ public figures.

Of course this is all well and good on paper, but what about the spectacle that makes this kind of marketing worth shouting about? That’s where the BE TRUE collection comes into play, as it features rainbow-emblazoned products of all shapes and sizes, ranging from running shoes and socks to t-shirts and beyond.

Hopefully the examples set by these companies will be instructive and informative not only to their customers, but also to other brands, creating the kind of momentum that can be immensely useful in the battle for equality for LGBTQ people, not just in the western countries where the companies are based, but around the world.



By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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