Pride Pils 2019_Dougherty_Marsha P Johnson tribute March 132019 Pride Pils Can by Maggie Dougherty

Today, DC Brau announced the winner of their third annual Pride Pils Can Design competition. Washington, D.C. artist Maggie Dougherty’s design label depicts notable LGBTQ Activist and prominent Stonewall figure Marsha P. Johnson. The well-known activist is best known for her tireless work on behalf of the homeless and transgender communities in New York City.

Dougherty is a designer, photographer, and storyteller. From 9 to 5, she works for Pact, an international development non-profit. On a freelance basis, she designs, photographs, and writes for a range of clients including local restaurants. A former Peace Corps volunteer, she has lived and worked in countries around the world, including The Gambia, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Liberia.

“This design celebrates the progress that’s been made since Stonewall while remembering how much more work needs to be done,” says Dougherty. “The flowers on the label are for those blooms that Marsha was known to wear in her hair, as well as 27 pansies representing the 27 trans deaths that took place in 2018 and early 2019.” Sadly, that number has already grown.

The specially-branded Pride Pils cans will be available in the D.C. metropolitan area and select markets starting in late May to coincide with the start of Capital Pride. All proceeds from the sale of the 1,200 cases that will be released will go to benefit SMYAL. Over the last two years, the Pride Pils project has raised more than $23,750 for the two charities.

By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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