Women You Should Meet (W.Y.S.M.): Fay Jacobs

Fay Jacobs

Fay Jacobs

Name: Fay Jacobs

City, State: Rehoboth Beach, DE

Age: 67

Profession: Writer and Storyteller

In a few words, how would you describe yourself?
I’m an author, columnist and storyteller. One critic who saw my show Aging Gracelessly: 50 Shades of Fay called me the last comic sitting, which I love! I also love claiming the title of WIFE. My spouse Bonnie and I just celebrated our 34th anniversary.

Your favorite hangout spots.
Any place in Rehoboth Beach, although I can be found frequently at the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center. Oh, and wherever they make an awesome Cosmo.

Favorite guilty pleasure.
Still warm caramel popcorn enjoyed in the evening on a boardwalk bench.

Favorite quote.
My father always said, “Nothing is ever so bad if it’s worth the story you can tell.”

Who is your biggest influence? And why? All the pioneering lesbian writers and activists who helped shape the equalities we have today. Two important influences were the late lesbian activist Barbara Gittings and author/publisher Anyda Marchant who wrote under the pen name Sarah Aldridge. Anyda encouraged me to write and publish my first book.

Favorite event.
CAMP Rehoboth Women’s FEST, of course! I’ve been involved with it for years and years. I love how it has grown.

Do you have any regrets in life?
Not really. See favorite quote above!

Favorite lesbian celebrity.
Tough question. At the moment it’s Rosie O’Donnell just because Trump hates her so much.

Any fun facts or anything else you want our readers to know?
I am shocked to suddenly have a whole new career as a “sit-down comic” at my age. I’ve performed at P-Town’s Women’s Week, on an Olivia Cruise and I’m about to open in NYC at the Duplex on Christopher Street. I’m having a blast! Come see my show at Women’s FEST.

Tagg Magazine
Tagg Magazine is a corner of the internet centering lesbians, LGBTQ+ women, and sapphic folks.
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