Couple in bed

For lesbian couples, sexual issues are a big deal due to a lack of fun and sexual pleasure— some breakup. Most of them feel the pressure of always doing their best performance in bed to make their partner stay in the relationship. However, some problems can’t be resolved without doing anything. As you continue to read this article, you will identify the four common sexual issues that every lesbian couple encounter and how to fix them.

Lack of Desire

Every couple, regardless of gender, can lose their sexual desire for so many reasons. For lesbians, the relationship problem called “lesbian bed death” can cause a stain in a couple’s connection. It usually happens in a long-term lesbian relationship wherein the couple stops having sex altogether. Or at least doing it once or twice a month until you no longer have that intimate feeling towards your partner.

Not all couples can recognize this kind of problem, so they start to question their happiness with their partner, leading to a miserable breakup. But before you decide to end everything, try to save it first. Start to rekindle your relationship by planning sexual activity that can excite both of you.

Like gay couples who use autoblow sex toys to blast their man, lesbians can also use sex toys for intense masturbation and doing naked cuddling or sexual touching. It can also help if you forget the outside world for a while and spend time together alone in bed.

Causing Distress Instead of Satisfaction

Despite the modern society that we have now, it is still undeniable that same-sex couples are still experiencing anxiety from the influences of culture and traditional expectations. Because of these, insecurities and jealousy may arise, causing complex issues that lead to arguments. Arguments, if not handled properly, can also cause a loss of desire to have sex.

However, you can still prevent these things from happening. Ensure that you set proper expectations to yourself and your partner about the reality of cultural and traditional expectations by others. People around you may judge you according to their cultural standards, and that’s normal.

Therefore, you have to widen your understanding of this. But never please other people so they can accept you and the kind of relationship you have. Focus on your relationship with your partner; instead of thinking about what other people say, do things that can make you happy.

Explore and plan activities that can strengthen your relationship. Surround yourself with people who have the same beliefs as yours. There are a lot of organizations and community for LGBTQ who helps same-sex couples overcome social problems. A healthy mind always leads to healthy sex life.

Sexual Transmitted Disease

One of the common health problems that lesbian and gay men couples are experiencing is the human papillomavirus. This virus can be acquired through skin contact with the person who already got the virus. Besides human papillomavirus, lesbian couples are also prone to experience genital herpes, genital warts, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

These diseases are caused by the mutation of bacteria in your vagina. Women usually got these from having sexual intercourse with a person who got the disease. Sharing sex toys with multiple partners can also cause the spread of bacteria.

Fortunately, nowadays, this can be prevented already by immunization and with the use of condoms. So you can still enjoy sexual pleasure with your partner without putting your health at risk.

Afraid of Using Sex Toys

We get it! Introducing sex toys to your partner may be a little awkward. You might be scared that you hurt your partner’s feelings and ego. That is not true, and you should not worry about that. Introducing toys during your next sexual intercourse can spice up and excites both of you.

It is also proven that sex toys like vibrators help women to have a very satisfying sex night! Plus, there are a lot more you can discover how you can reach your climax. Just make sure to explain and emphasize the benefits of using sex toys and assure your partner that these toys are not a replacement for her.

When she agrees to your proposal, start shopping with her through online or physical stores. That’s a fun activity to do; you can widen your understanding of these things and at the same time excites you to be in bed with you.


Sexual problems and solutions stated above are just a few of many lesbian couples experiencing today. But with proper education, one can help strengthen the relationship. Above all, don’t let sex can hinder you from having a healthy and happy relationship. This should only be your way of expressing love and affection, but in the end, it is your love for each other who can fix every problem you may encounter along the way.



By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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