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6 Tips to Survive Freshman Year as an LGBTQ College Student

Young woman on campus

Being different from the pack is always a challenge, particularly if that pack is a society you live in, especially if we are talking about the late teens. For most LGBTQ youth, going to college may be the best time of your life or a disaster you’d like to forget at all costs. This article contains some tips for you that will help you survive through the college years and you can take them to declare your view on what an equal world truly should be.

Stick to Those Who Are Supportive

One is not a warrior on the battleground, so you better group up with the army of those who know what inequality and discrimination feel like. Going through the college stuff might be challenging, especially when you see that nobody recognizes any other viewpoint. And no, this is not for you to put your head in the sand – this is for you to find those who never make you do it in the first place.

Raise Awareness Through Your Essays

The talk may be cheap but making a statement loud and clear where you are given a chance to can actually influence the whole picture wherever you study – in Australia, Nashville, or Hong Kong. So make the words powerful and be of your service even if you’re asking somebody write my essay, please. Even if you order the papers from the agencies, you still can customize them and include a paragraph or two that will serve the matter. You can also ask for help with writing your essay through various tools like CustomEssayMeister.

Never Feed the Bullies With a Reaction

Spoiler: there will always be people who’ll try to let you down for whatever reason so they will finger-point on what they consider as faults or differences. Never take that bait and never react on their scorning or other stupid crap they may give you. However, you do have to respond properly if it involves any kind of violence or you feel insecure. After all, the bullies should never make anybody’s life miserable.

Support LGBTQ Initiatives

You can make thousands of excuses like “Oh no, I need to write my essay” or “I have to keep up with the deadlines”, but when you have a chance to support your fellow people, always do it. First, this is always a great hanging out where you can exchange your thoughts and explain your worldview to those who are willing to listen. Secondly, you do your part in shaping the global perspective on the issue. And tell me at least one cultural or social revolution that didn’t start with the students’ involvement? We’ll wait.

Participate in the Local Community Campaigns

The student community is fun but the residential one is more influential in a way. So whenever you have a chance to help them in the organization of the cultural events – be there for them. Who knows, maybe there will be a journalist among the people who’ll ask you “Hey, do you want to write an essay for me on the topic and give an insider point of view?”.

Stay Proud

Yes, you won’t always be warmly welcomed among the students, and you shouldn’t care about it. Never be sorry about who you are and don’t take the crap from other people who try to let you down just because you’re not the way they want you to be. What you should do it to lift your flag high, keep your head high, and slightly changing James Brown’s words, “Say it loud, I’m gay/queer and I’m proud.”

So that’s basically it, a starting tool kit of the right attitude that should be in the backpack of every LGBTQ freshmen before entering the college doors.




Tagg Magazine
Tagg Magazine
Tagg Magazine is a trusted digital publication for everyone lesbian, queer, and under the rainbow.