Women You Should Meet (W.Y.S.M.): Ingrid Galvez

Ingrid Galvez

Name: Ingrid Galvez
Location: New York, NY
Profession: Business Strategist
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ingridgalvez/

In a few words, how would you describe yourself?
Equality Warrior focused on cultivating collaborative communities

Your favorite hangout spots
Stonewall Inn, Industry, Therapy. I have performed for charity at each of these venues.

Favorite guilty pleasure
UTZ hot chips

Favorite quote
“I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I’m changing the things I cannot accept.” – Angela Davis

Who is your biggest influence? And why?
Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop and mother of Corporate Social Responsibility. She had no formal education, and fueled by need, she started a business to support herself and her daughters. She built an empire. She was a mentor of mine in the early days of my career. I got a world-class education on “profits with a purpose.” What I learned from her is that we have the power to change our communities and the best way is to transfer knowledge and skills to the next generation to do better and to make good things happen for others. Entrepreneurship is for survival – to live and create the life you want for yourself and others.

Favorite event
Make Your Mark campaign – The Body Shop, Amnesty International and Dalai Lama at the Carter Center in Atlanta. Getting blessed by the Dalai Lama is one of the greatest gifts I ever received.

Do you have any regrets in life?
Yes, only one. Not skydiving when I had the chance. I don’t fear heights; I fear the fall.

Favorite lesbian celebrity

Any fun facts or anything else you want our readers to know?
I love music, musical theater, photography, and films. I love it when it rains hard and the air is cleansed.

Whatever you are doing in life today, enjoy it! Showing up is the key to visibility for our community, so join boards, attend events, get a mentor, be a mentor, tell your stories, tell our stories.




Ebone Bell
Eboné Bell
Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and Ellen...so it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.
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