space needle with rainbow flag on top
Tagg Nation Podcast Ep. 95 – Gayborhood Series: Seattle, WA
May 23, 2018
DJ Tracy Young
DJ Tracy Young Springs Into Full Scale Production Mode
May 28, 2018

Women You Should Meet (W.Y.S.M): Jade Foster

Jade Foster

Name: Jade Foster (aka Yaani Supreme)
City, State: Washington, D.C.
Profession: Writer
Instagram: 88supreme

In a few words, how would you describe yourself?
I wouldn’t.

Your favorite hangout spots.
Nido on Rhode Island Avenue was my go-to for a while. Union Market, but I only eat from the black and brown owned businesses—and Bidwell because Cassie [Womack] works there. I’m lying. The pasta vendor is cool too. I also hangout at Anacostia River by the skating rink.

Favorite quote.
“The power of my mind is as real and actual a force as the power of my hand. That which my mind pictures clearly and my will demands strongly and untiringly, I can draw to myself and make my own. Sooner or later.”

Who is your biggest influence?
My parents.

Favorite event.
Honey Groove and Black Femme Brunch.

Do you have any regrets in life?
One. But I’m forgiving myself for it everyday. One day I won’t even remember what it felt like. It won’t even creep up on me when I’m driving my car anymore.

Favorite lesbian celebrity.
Lena Waithe is out here!

Any fun facts or anything else you want our readers to know?
I’m on the Mayor’s Advisory Committee for LGBTQ Affairs. What does that mean? It means please come to our quarterly meetings so the mayor (and committee) can hear what you need and want done in this city.








Ebone Bell
Eboné Bell
Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.