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What LGBTQ Communities Should Know About Online Safety

Woman on laptop holding credit card

(Photo by bruce mars)

According to the recent study, conducted by VPNMentor, LGBTQ people suffer from various types of inequality and harassment because of their gender identification. The results are quite horrible and reflect the current state of problems these people face on a daily basis:

More than 70 per cent of surveyors confirmed that have been blackmailed or attacked online because of their identity, half of them have been harassed online because of the sexual orientation.

This guide is created with the only aim – to provide a better diversity, fight against zealotry and online abuses in the LGBTQ community. No matter what is your gender, sex or orientation, a simple online search can reveal a lot about you and most likely more than you would like to share on the Internet. Unless you’re comfortable to express yourself freely you would need to take certain safety precautions just not to attract unneeded attention. One of the first steps would be to run a background check on yourself to see how much information you will find. Tools like Nuwber, BeenVerified, Truepeople search and so on gather publicly available information about you and put it into some kind of profile available for everyone. Try Onerep to wipe yourself off as much people-search websites as you can. Some of them, like already mentioned above Nuwber allow you to opt-out yourself from their databases completely.

Find the right online community

Exploring a hetero and cisgender society can be hard for individuals from the LGBTQ people group. Distanced from their family, censured by their locale, and segregated from their companions, numerous LGBTQ individuals seeking solidarity online.

The opposite side of the Web

Despite that, the web can likewise be a scary and hazardous place. Simply read the comments on any popular post and you’ll see a huge number of the downvotes and even uncovered hostility. Considering the way that an enormous segment of these derisive remarks incorporates homophobic and sometimes even biphobic opinions, the web is particularly threatening to the LGBTQ people.

It’s significant for us to take note of that a portion of the counsel here is focused on individuals who don’t have a sense of security enough to turn out, or who favour not to uncover certain parts of their character on the off chance that they feel compromised. It is in no way, shape or forms support to remain closed.

At the same time, we need to stress the drawbacks of avoiding any and all risks. As indicated by our review, while self-distinguished gay individuals reacted that they felt most secure on the web, some trust this is on the grounds that they’re excessively worried about their web actions.

Even though most of the social rules are not easy to change fastly, we have a way too long road to everyone’s equality and freedom of choice. This basically means, for now, people of LGBTQ community need to take extreme precautions, especially online to keep them safe. We do hope this guide would help you to take over most of the negative effects of going online and at the same time enriching your digital, personal and professional interactions when being not like everyone.




Ebone Bell
Eboné Bell
Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and Ellen...so it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.