Rutina Wesley and Chef Shonda

Photo Credit: Rutina Wesley's Instagram

Queen Sugar and True Blood star Rutina Wesley is engaged! The 38 year-old actress announced her engagement to her girlfriend, Chef Shonda, in a series of Instagram posts on November 18.

“Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness,” the first post reads “Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don’t help you.”

Chef Shonda has been appearing on Wesley’s feed since at least August 13, but pictures of them together can be seen from October 23 of this year. On November 12, Wesley posted another picture of the couple driving with big smiles, with the photo caption calling Shonda “the sunshine of my life.”

Below is the engagement photo slideshow.

It is important to note that Wesley does not say she is queer, nor has she used any language referring to coming out in her posts.

Congratulations Rutina Wesley and Chef Shonda!


Vickey D Casey
Vickey D Casey
Vickey is a tiny traveler extraordinaire with a knack for finding free fun. She is a D.C. transplant with Caribbean roots and flies a flag with colors pink, lavender, and blue.
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