Sara Soldner(Photo by Kurt Powers)

Name: Sara Soldner
City, State: Washington, D.C.
Age: 30
Profession: Bartender at Duplex Diner

In a few words, how would you describe yourself?
I am an outgoing Pisces who loves her cat.

Your favorite hangout spots.
Duplex Diner! Even on my days off I love to kick it there. Duplex has a special way of making everyone feel welcomed and loved. Plus the drinks are strong and the music is popping.

Favorite guilty pleasure.
Getting tattooed and binge watching crime & thriller shows.

Favorite quote.
“It’s not your job to be likable. It’s your job to be yourself. Someone will like you anyway.” -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Who is your biggest influence? And why?
My best friend Brittany McIntyre. She recently passed away, but she brought out the best in
everyone. Her laugh was contagious and made everyone smile. I strive to have that impact on the world.

Favorite event.
I guess I would have to say any Detroit Tigers game. I grew up with season tickets, and now I make sure I make it to Comerica Park once a season.

Do you have any regrets in life?
I don’t believe in regrets. Every decision, event, and choice is a learning experience.

Favorite lesbian celebrity.
Well, currently I would have to say Janelle Monáe. I love her. I’m obsessed with her latest album and how she came out through it. Plus, she’s super sexy.

Any fun facts or anything else you want our readers to know?
My favorite thing to do is laugh, and I feel most comfortable behind the bar.









By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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