Rehoboth’s premier New Year’s Eve party


Looking for a different type of dance party to ring in the New Year with your friends? The Starburst Gayla is not only the best dance ticket in town, but it is a spectacular way to say goodbye to the old and ring in the new.

In its 13th year, the Starburst Gayla is known for its festive decorations, friendly atmosphere, champagne toast at midnight, and open bar dance party. Maggie Ottato, from Rehoboth, explains why she attends the event, “The Starburst Gayla is a Rehoboth tradition because it is a great opportunity to come back together with friends at the beach.”

Starting at 9 p.m., DJ Nan will be keeping the dance floor moving with the best tunes. The dance party will include a champagne toast, along with a well-stocked open bar. During the dance, partygoers can also check out the dessert and coffee bar or enter the raffle for a chance to win prizes with the proceeds going to charity. Guests will have a blast in the Fortier photo booth and take home memorable party favors.

The dinner portion of the event starts at 7 p.m. and showcases music by renowned singer Cathy Gorman. The delicious dinner buffet is catered by Food by Design. The buffet will offer gourmet options with a choice of fish, meat, and vegetarian selections. Guests have the option of purchasing a ticket for the dinner and dance, or just the dance party.

“This is a terrific event. A great place to eat, drink, and be merry,” says Monica Fleischmann from CAMP Rehoboth. The proceeds raised from the Starburst Gayla this year will benefit the Cancer Support Community Delaware and CAMP Rehoboth.

In addition to bringing in the New Year, CAMP Rehoboth is also celebrating its 24th anniversary as a LGBT community service organization serving the Rehoboth Beach area. The organization started as a small publication, but has since grown into a full-service community center.

The Starburst Gayla is an annual tradition that brings the LGBTQ community together in a friendly, safe, and fun environment. The end of the year is winding down and so is the window of opportunity to reserve your tickets for the Starburst Gayla. The party is on! Tickets can be purchased online at

By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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