Scene from Summer of Hope

Summer of Hope, written by Ali Dash, is a feature film that takes place in the 1970s during the summer after Lucy’s senior year of high school. Raised by her alcoholic and abusive father, Lucy struggles to find her identity. Her internal struggle and search for answers culminate into discover of who she really is. Jake, Lucy’s boyfriend and best friend has been by her side since they were 5 years old, however Lucy knows deep down inside that something is missing, until she meets Hope. Confident, spontaneous, and full of life, Hope takes Lucy on a journey of exploration, self-discovery, and love.

Summer of Hope is a film with a clear message of seeing the beauty in life. If one thing is learned from Summer of Hope, it is it is emulate one simply phrase… “I choose to be me…I choose to be happy”.

“There are so many different aspects to the film and I believe Summer of Hope will be a positive and uplifting film,” says Dash. “What I love about this film is that it shows the audience regardless if you’re straight, gay, lesbian, what have you, you are still you no matter what. I hope that this film will help others see the beauty in things and in life, to be free, and happy.”

Dash is not only in charge of production and writing, but she plays the lead role of Lucy. The film will also star Anna Cameron as Hope, Brian C. Chenworth as Jake, Krissi Bainbridge as Jen, Ryan Thomas as Charles, and Gina Grinkemeyer as Adult Lucy.

DARK RONIN Films in association with DASH Pictures will begin production of Summer of Hope this Fall 2014 in the Maryland and Washington, D.C. areas. The film is set to be released Summer 2015. Dash and the other producers look forward to submitting the movie to different film festivals, as well as hosting a red carpet premiere for the film’s release.

Currently the production team is raising funds to make sure their dream of creating an inspiring movie becomes a reality. To learn more about Summer of Hope or to donate to their campaign, visit


By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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