Michelle Buteau in Survival of the Thickest.Michelle Buteau in "Survival of the Thickest" (Netflix)

Netflix’s newest trending show, “Survival Of The Thickest,” has been stealing the hearts of binge-watchers everywhere. Even though the show is focused mainly on actress Michelle Buteau’s character, Mavis, and how she maneuvers through life as a curvy woman of color in the fashion world, there are other topics that the show highlights. The topic I was most interested in was how it sheds light on a straight woman who never had the opportunity to experiment or be with just a woman in a situation that didn’t involve a male. (Spoilers ahead!)

Marley, played by the talented actress Tasha Smith, finds out after her divorce that she wasn’t quite as fulfilled during sex when she was with men, because she was more attracted to women. She finds this out when she is about to engage in a threesome with her physical trainer and his female partner for the first time. But then the trio becomes a duo when her trainer isn’t able to participate due to work. At that moment, she decides to stay with his female partner and just go with it. This opens up new feelings for Marley and she realizes she should have been with women all along. But not before she has a mini life crisis that requires the help of her friends to find that answer. One friend in particular is Mavis.

The friendship that Marley and Mavis have is one that girl friends all over the world can relate to. You need a friend who will stop you from going back to your ex who did you wrong and caused you tremendous pain, to support your crazy life choices like moving into an apartment with someone you hardly know in your late 30s just to have a little peace of mind, to support you in getting your groove back like Stella did when she went to Jamaica. And you also need a friend who supports you in trying to find out who you love even if it’s looked a little different compared to years past. Those are the friendships that will help you through the many transitions of life that we’ve all faced or will face. Those are the friendships that will turn your crisis into a celebration.

This series handed us comedic relief about matters that women face every day yet struggle to see on a big screen. The matter of your body being enough or not. But we know that not only are our bodies enough, they are also beautiful, and no matter how curvy, should never be looked down on. The matter of your life not looking the way you envisioned it to look when you graduated from high school, graduated college, or started that new relationship. In case no one told you, it’s never how you expected it to be. Just know, you’ll be okay. Lastly, the matter of loving who you want to love at any point in your life and not caring what anyone thinks. You can’t help who you love yet you can help what you do with that love. This wasn’t just something we’ve always wanted—this is what we needed.