With March going on in its full swing, it is the perfect time to celebrate the arrival of spring, and of course, to celebrate women! Understandably, March is Women’s History Month and the ultimate reason to celebrate the women in your life, in your country, and all over the world!
While you scroll the internet to find out how to make an animated gif in your support for gender equality and women empowerment, read on to learn more about excellent ways to celebrate the month specified for women.
A Brief Analysis of What the Women’s History Month is All About
Over the last centuries, women have constantly been raising their voices for equality and progress. Nonetheless, the world has witnessed a significant shift in women’s empowerment, progress, and rights over the last century.
Understandably, women are still fighting for their rights in different sections of the globe. That said, it is essential to understand courageous women who paved the way for gender equity. Suppose we were to accumulate a list of all wonderful women who contributed toward making this world a successful place over the last hundred years. In that case, the vastness and complexity of history could not be covered in this brief rundown.
Just to mention a few milestones achieved by powerful, smart, and courageous women, see the list below:
- 1911 – The world witnessed an international women’s day for the first time in history.
- 1980 – The (then) U.S. President Jimmy Carter bookmarked and formalized the first women’s history week nationally.
- 1987 – The U.S. Congress passed the law of legalizing the first women’s history month.
Since then, the United States has recognized the month of March as the ultimate Women’s History Month, which is celebrated worldwide. Here are 4 excellent ideas about how you, your colleagues, and your friends can celebrate this amazing month.
Explore History
Did you know that the theme of this year’s Women’s History Month revolves around the choice of challenge? That said, you ought to explore history to appreciate how far we have come. An analysis of history will reveal the sufferings and oppressions women have dealt with for centuries.
You will also learn more about significant advancements and progress on women’s rights at the national and international levels. Nonetheless, there are still shortcomings that need to be addressed. History can teach us so much more, and this month provides the perfect reason to do so!
Spread the Word on Social Media
Another way to celebrate Women’s History Month in 2021 is by turning to social media and spreading awareness. Believe it or not, many people aren’t even aware that an entire month exists to celebrate gender equity and women empowerment.
Given the fact that the ongoing pandemic has caused many of us to remote work and stay within the four walls of our homes, social gatherings ate practically next to impossible. That said, the best way to celebrate women’s month is by turning to social media and praise empowering, courageous, and talented women. It could be your boss, your mother, your colleague, or any other strong woman in your life.
Plan Small Surprises
You don’t necessarily have to plan big to contribute to this month’s celebrations. Trust us when we tell you that it is the small things that matter the most. By doing small acts of random kindness, you can bring smiles and happiness to a woman who truly inspires you.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be some celebrity or a philanthropist. Check your close circle of friends and family. All you need to do is select two or three women you admire from the core of your heart. The next step is to make them feel special by inviting them to coffee. Or have their favorite meal delivered to their doorsteps.
If you can arrange a meeting, there is no better way to celebrate and cherish each other’s presence. You could have a one-hour informal meeting at a café shop and chat about life, their passions, inspirations, and literally anything that would make them feel appreciated.
Become a Part of Support Groups
Another practical way to celebrate Women’s History Month in 2021 is by becoming an active supporter or member of a non-profit organization for women and girls worldwide. You will find a variety of support groups that provide you with philanthropic platforms to support women all around the globe.
For instance, you could join the Malala Fund, Girls Not Brides USA, Kiva, Girls Who Code, and the Global Fund for Women. You can also create your platform to discuss volunteering opportunities to make the world a better place.