Mautner Project
Historic Merger Means New Opportunities for D.C.’s Lesbian Community
July 18, 2013
Drop Dead Daring
July 19, 2013

WYSM: Jay “Jamorr” Morrow

Jay MarrowName: Jay “Jamorr” Morrow
City, State of Residence: Baltimore, Maryland
Age: 40
Profession: Webmaster, Event Producer, and Advocate

In a few words, how would you describe yourself?
A person on a constant quest to improve myself emotionally and mentally. I believe that the more you know the more you owe. I like to have fun, enjoy moments, and make lasting memories with my wife and friends. I am a fierce advocate for my students. I love watching people move forward to positive endeavors.

Your favorite hangout spots.
Barcode on Wednesdays at Bravo Bravo and my house or with the “crew”. (They know who they are).

Favorite guilty pleasure.
Hmm…bowties (only self-tie) and watching various web series.

Favorite quote.
“The more you know the more you owe. Each one, teach one.”

Who is your biggest influence? And why?
My mom. She taught me a long time ago that it pays to be the “BOSS” and to recognize I don’t live in this world alone. She gave me a strong foundation to always want to help people, but to recognize when you must let them help themselves.

Favorite event.
Fusion Fridays, Barcode at Bravo Bravo, and “Ladies Take Over” events.

Do you have any regrets in life?
No regrets. Everything is a learning experience.

Favorite lesbian celebrity.
Hmm…Queen Latifiah. (Yep, I said it.)

Any fun facts or anything else you want our readers to know?
I am currently working on a bowtie and necktie line. Plus, I make my own. I am a Scandal, Chopped, and Big Bang Theory fan. I love cooking shows. No matter where we are, my wife and I we are known to break out in our own little dance.

Tagg Magazine
Tagg Magazine
Tagg Magazine is a trusted digital publication for everyone lesbian, queer, and under the rainbow.