Aurora LloydAurora Lloyd performs at WFSU DC in 2018. (Photo: Cristina O'Connell)

Aurora Lloyd has broken through a lot of obstacles. A young transgender woman from Philadelphia she never had it easy. Going through life as a young child with so many talents it was hard for young Aurora to choose her destiny. Growing up with a music background as well as being in the choir, performing is something that comes naturally. In high school styling for Jeremih, Rick Ross, and DJ Khaled, Aurora knew she could compete with the best. Aurora is also a strong activist for LGBTQ equality marching to Washington and speaking for the transgender youth. She conquers any obstacle and breaks any barrier with her overwhelming determination and highly anticipated musical career. It’s fair to say, Aurora will be known for her accomplishments.

How long have you been creating your art?
13 years.

Where are you from? How does that influence your art?
I grew up in Philly and Atlanta. I currently live in Washington, D.C. It influences my art because I learned how to have heart in Philly and learned how to have passion in Atlanta but in D.C. I learned courage.

What are you currently working on or recently finished?
I recently finished and released my first EP Anaomi out everywhere.

What is your inspiration? What drives you?
Life experiences and my heart.

Why is music important to the queer community?
Because we need a voice to reflect our experiences when they don’t look like the heteronormative ones we see.

What do you hope to achieve as an artist?
Create a space and place for trans artist to be taken seriously.

How would you describe your experience in the music industry?
A constant fight.

Did music play an integral role in your coming out? If yes, how so?
Yes, it took my being honest in my self and being honest to myself to be able to be honest to my parents.

Given challenges facing our country and community, in your opinion, what is most needed for the queer community now? How can the music scene advance that goal?
Support. We need genuine strong “I’ll fight for you when you’re not around support.” The music scene can advance that goal by hiring LGBTQ talent and publicly supporting us, especially when we are not what is expected.

Top 3 Major Influences.
Janet Jackson, Dawn Richard and Kanye West.

Finish: Art is….
The first big gasps you make after emerging from being under water. Art is breathing.

How can we all support your work, talent and gift?
Sharing, posting and reviewing.

Anything else you want us to know?
I’m here for the long haul.







By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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