March 21, 2019

Office Outings: The Road to Coming Out in the Workplace

By Brianne L. Croteau No matter how many times I do it, there is always that silent moment after I first mention my partner to a colleague; that millisecond where I’m holding my breath and bracing for their reaction to my “outing”. These people have known me in one way but now I am revealing an entirely new dimension of myself, one that may change the way they view, relate and interact with me.
April 18, 2014

Ready to Lead: The Secret To Finding Your Inner Executive

Emily Bennington is the author of Who Says It’s a Man’s World: The Girls’ Guide to Corporate Domination and the founder of AWAKE EXEC™ Conscious Career Design. She recently launched the first Ready To Lead: Mindful Wisdom @ Work program, an interactive online course that serves as a roadmap to the mindset required for high-level career success.