July 14, 2014

Riding with Pride: OUT Riders WMC

Spending 30 plus days of celebrating what Barack Obama and all of us capital city queers affectionately call LGBT Pride Month was a fabulous whirlwind. This year, even as my ears were solidly blocked with glitter, I had no problem hearing the roar of engines...
July 10, 2014

Lady Parts Justice: National Day of Pride for Women

n 2013, more than 624 bills were proposed regulating women’s bodies and reproductive rights, compared to zero bills regulating men's bodies. In the first three months of 2014, 733 pieces of anti-choice legislation were introduced in state legislatures.
July 8, 2014

A Lesbian Belle Tells

Elizabeth McCain will be performing at the Capital Fringe Festival in her original one-woman show debut, " A Lesbian Belle Tells". There are over 175 shows at the festival, four of which are LGBTQ performances. McCain’s performance will be the only lesbian solo show.
July 8, 2014

Top List Tuesday: All in the Family

While every family has its share of trials and tribulations, it is no doubt that these celebrities owe some of their success to the parents who raised them. So behold, proof that the kids are more than just alright...