What Does it Mean to be Butch? An Exploration of Identity and Fashion
Victoria Grant: Your problem is that you’re preoccupied with stereotypes. I think it’s as simple as you’re one kind of man, I’m another. King Marchand: And what kind are you?
Victoria Grant: Your problem is that you’re preoccupied with stereotypes. I think it’s as simple as you’re one kind of man, I’m another. King Marchand: And what kind are you?
It might not be a partnership we ever imagined, but the union between Taco Bell and WILDFANG turned out to be the stuff of dreams. The hip fast-food chain and
Go for a run. Lift weights. Should I do an undercut hair style, or dye it blue, to look gayer? These are some thoughts that played on a loop in
The annual dapperQ show at New York Fashion Week took place at Brooklyn Museum on September 7 featuring eight designers whose work is rooted is dismantling gender binaries. The show,