July 4, 2014

Opinion: A Declaration of LGBTQ Independence

When, in the course of the LGBT movement, it becomes necessary for our people to break away from the political parties which have long since suppressed us [cough, Republicans, cough], harnessing the powers of equality and acceptance...
July 2, 2014
Tiffany Mott-Smith photo

Modern D.C. Separatists Take Note: It’s not cool and edgy to divide and conquer

By Tiffany Mott-Smith My introduction to my first queer community is, well, precious. It goes like this: Sheltered girl meets not-so-sheltered girl and freaks out about the giant middle finger she's given to gender conformity.
July 2, 2014

Bisexual Bigotry

Discrimination persists within the “whatever generation” By Jessie Weddell
With the growing acceptance of the gay and lesbian community in the United States today, bisexuals still remain the target for stereotypes.
July 1, 2014

The DC Center: Lesbians Play a Vital Role

The District of Columbia is at the forefront of many LGBT issues. We have taken great strides forward to end discrimination based on sexual orientation in the areas of marriage, legal rights, and military service.