Angel Haze is known for her critically-acclaimed EP Reservation released in July 2012. She also received much attention in October 2013 when she came out with her own freestyle interpretation of Macklemore’s “Same Love” as part of her #30GOLD project.

Now the rapper is gaining attention for her new relationship with Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger’s daughter, Ireland Baldwin.

With all the rumors swirling around, Haze finally opened up about their intimate relationship. In an interview with The Independent, she talks about how the media doesn’t acknowledge the fact that Ireland is actually her girlfriend:

“I don’t know if there’s like some confirm or deny thing with the way relationships work in the media, but everyone just calls us best friends, best friends for life, like we’re just friends hanging out,” she told The Independent. “It’s funny. It’s rad in some ways, it sucks in others.”


She also talked about how she feels America isn’t quite ready for a high-profile interracial lesbian couple:

“An interracial gay couple, I mean that’s just weird for America right now. We f**k and friends don’t f**k. I have never f**ked one of my friends. Once I see you in that way, it doesn’t happen. But we do f**k and it’s crazy and that’s weird to say because I think about it in terms of an audience reading it and them thinking, ‘What the hell?’ But it happens.”


Many people have been following their relationship on social media. However, some media outlets continued to refer to the pair as “BFF’s” or “Friends For Life.” The couple has found humor in the media thinking that they were just “close friends,” but Haze has officially dispelled that myth.


By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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