572 results found for: the l word

A Review of Blue is the Warmest Color

One of the realest movies, you haven’t seen

By Luella Garies

What do American History X and Blue is the Warmest Color (La Vie d’Adèle) have in common? This is what I asked myself when I decided to put this French romantic drama on my list of favorite movies.

Loving Butch Women

Why I don’t “just date men”

By Jade Salazar

“If you’re dating a woman who looks like a man, then why don’t you just date men?” We femmes hear this question far too often.

Wicked Jezabel: The Lesbian Bar on Wheels

By Katy Ray

With more than 20 years of experience onstage, the six female musicians of Wicked Jezabel have been capturing the hearts of queer women throughout the D.C. area and Rehoboth Beach.

Working in a Dog-Friendly Workplace is the Cat’s Meow

by Lauren Rose

Working in a veterinarian’s office isn’t the only job that lets you interact with animals at work. A growing number of companies are allowing employees to bring their dogs to work.