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A Winter Treat: Rehoboth Beach

You’ll find diversions and bargains galore off-season at the beach!

By Deb Griffin
You’ve had a crazy week. It’s Friday night, and you’re looking forward to the weekend. You plan to do a little wining and dining. Maybe you’ll do some shopping. And, you might even take a walk where there’s something to see other than steel and concrete. Now, imagine doing all of that without once riding in your car or on the Metro! That, my friends, is winter at the beach. It’s everything you like to do except in a smaller, more intimate beach side setting.

Feature: Gay & Lesbian Holiday Etiquette

It’s already that time: We’re trying out our best recipes for Thanksgiving dinner, picking out the ideal Christmas tree, or buying candles for our menorah or kinara. These festivities and traditions entail considerable pre-planning and, in turn, generate a lot of questions— especially when friends, family, and significant others are involved.

LBT Resources

Black Lesbian Support Group (BLSG) Come out and Share your […]

Local African-American LGBT giving circle donates $13,000 to SMYAL

Three years ago, a group of local LGBT individuals made a commitment to give back to their community through KINDRED, an African-American LGBT giving circle created to uplift the African-American LGBT community by gathering financial and talent resources.