Looking back on our history, it’s easy to let the clouds of oppression rain on our Independence Day parade; nevertheless, the progress we’ve made is cause for celebration.
There are very few organizations in our community that are as dedicated to D.C.’s LGBTQ youth as Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders (SMYAL). From building self-confidence to developing critical life skills in young people, SMYAL youth are trained and mentored to be leaders in their community.
Despite being all the craze, you may not know that the 2014 FIFA World Cup is a soccer (or football, depending on where you live) tournament that hosts 32 teams from around the world—all ready to prove their prowess and strength in a demonstration that encourages and promotes a sense of superior nationalism.
I have always worked hard to get what I want. I don’t wait around for good things to happen to me; instead, I make them happen. I have a dream and a vision and before I know it, I’m on a mission. Such is the spirit of a true femme.