23 results found for: lady gaga

Femme Problems 141: It’s Just Hair

I believe that hair is an important and powerful form […]

Femme Problems 131: Moving in With My Partner

After fighting the urge to “U-Haul” for nine long, yet magical months, my partner and I have decided to take the plunge and get our first apartment together. This is the first time I’ve ever moved in with a woman, and I am learning a lot about her…

Wedding Announcement: Katy Ray and E. Smith

Names: Katy Ray & E. Sansing

Ages: Katy Ray, 28; E. Sansing, 28

Professions: Katy is an English teacher, Erica is a Philosophy and Ethics instructor, and both write for Tagg.

Femme Problems 127: My “Gypsy” Life

I used to spend a lot of time looking back at my past, wondering why things happened the way they did; why things didn’t work out the way they were supposed to; and wondering what in the world I was thinking!