The DC Burlypicks Regionals was held in Washington DC on May 9, 2014 at Bier Baron Tavern. The Burlypicks was in search of the best of Burlesque and Variety Arts entertainment from around the world. The winners move on to the national competition in LA.
Advocates of The Trevor Project invite supporters from the Metro D.C. area to join them in A Night Out for Trevor, an annual fundraising event to support the efforts of this life-saving national organization.
Ok grrl. Not gonna lie, I was not amused by the Saturday Night Live jest over forced slave breeding. Now, don't get me wrong, I stand and deliver for Leslie Jones. She's hilarious and a self-proclaimed top shelf bitch.
A while back, I wrote Five Lesbians to Avoid at the Bar, a femme problems article where I explored and even poked a little fun at certain bar clichés and stereotypes, such as the gold digging femme and the baby dyke.