303 results found for: lgbtq history

Home & Family: Buying a Home Together

Not many situations can test the strength of your relationship as much as purchasing a home together. To minimize stress, including arguments, you will need to be an efficient team when it comes to the entire home-buying experience.

Top List Tuesday: 10 LGBTQ Summer Destinations

Summer is time for exploration and vacation, so why not vacate to the areas that are accepting of the community? While we know that there are many places around the world that are still struggling to simply decriminalize same-sex relationships, there are some great cities and countries that have a thriving LGBTQ scene.

Opinion: A Declaration of LGBTQ Independence

When, in the course of the LGBT movement, it becomes necessary for our people to break away from the political parties which have long since suppressed us [cough, Republicans, cough], harnessing the powers of equality and acceptance…

Modern D.C. Separatists Take Note: It’s not cool and edgy to divide and conquer

By Tiffany Mott-Smith
My introduction to my first queer community is, well, precious. It goes like this: Sheltered girl meets not-so-sheltered girl and freaks out about the giant middle finger she’s given to gender conformity.