While the average length of an engagement is around 13.5 months, 7% of the people surveyed actually stayed engaged for longer than two years. While many may cringe at the thought of being engaged for longer than just one year, there are a number of reasons why staying engaged longer can actually be better. With that said, here’s how you can enjoy and embrace a long-term engagement as a major and meaningful life event – and reap the benefits of doing so in the long run as well.

Perfecting your wedding plans

Having a long-term engagement can be particularly beneficial when it comes to planning the big day, and for a couple of different reasons. For starters, the extra time can give you space to think about exactly how you want to do things – from the location to the cake and even the dress – without feeling pressured or stressed out by a close deadline. It can also give you enough time to book the venue and other necessities as well, and can allow you to budget and save up accordingly without having to splurge all at once – this can be especially beneficial considering that the average American wedding costs $30,000. And, when the big day finally comes, you’ll feel good knowing that everything was done to your liking.

A stress-free engagement

While planning for the big day can become significantly easier with a long-term engagement, other things – such as the engagement ring – can be addressed as well. After all, it’s not unheard of for couples to get engaged with a simpler, cheaper ring in the beginning, while saving up for the ideal ring during the engagement. This not only allows for the perfect proposal in terms of the “right place, right time”, though it can also pay off in the long run when the future bride or groom gets the perfect engagement ring in the end – without the financial stress of having it up front.

Getting to know one another

Being engaged for a long period of time brings a multitude of opportunities, with one of them being that it gives both you and your partner more time to get to know each other better, without getting into the stressors of being married right away. While this scenario might be particularly ideal for newer couples, even those who have been together for several years still have much to learn about each other. From each other’s habits to preferences and even each other’s families, there are so many things you can learn about someone when you simply spend more time with them.

One of the best ways to spend time with your partner during a long term engagement (and to enjoy doing so) is to do so by making it a point to go on dates regularly. While it might seem redundant since you’re past the “dating” phase of the relationship, planning date nights while engaged can be exciting, allow you to make more memories together, and can also let you learn more about one another along the way. You can even spice it up by planning extraordinary dates – like a weekend camping trip or a beach getaway, so that you’re not doing the same thing each time.

Long-term engagements are becoming more common in today’s society, and can be beneficial in many different ways. From giving you more time to get to know one another to allowing you to perfect your wedding plans, being in a long-term engagement can be an enjoyable experience for many.

By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and Ellen...so it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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