Name: Chelsea Shorte
City, State: Washington, D.C.
Profession: Comic/Writer/Actor
Website: twitter.com/chikachels
In a few words, how would you describe yourself?
Fun, flirtatious, hardworking, and a lover of learning.
Your favorite hangout spots.
You can find me at a different bar nearly every night of the week, as that is where comedy open mics are held. When I do get a chance to relax at a bar, my friends and I like Zeba Bar on 14th Street. I also love Malcolm X Park on the weekends. It’s where I do my best planning on how to steal dogs.
Favorite guilty pleasure.
What is “guilt”?
Favorite quote.
The quote I’ve most been able to put to work in my life is the passage from Alice In Wonderland. Alice asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go. To me, his message clearly says that in order to reach your goal first, you must know what the goal is; and every day you must choose the path that takes you closer to that goal. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter.
Who is your biggest influence? And why?
I do not have a “biggest influence”. I live in the belief that I can learn from anyone. I can learn from professionals and peers. I pursue influences from Paul Mooney’s unapologetic delivery to Chelsea Peretti’s silliness to Kevin Hart’s rhythm and physicality to Hari Kondabolu’s passion and righteousness.
Favorite event.
Live comedy shows.
Do you have any regrets in life?
That I knew even a taste of “guilt.”
Favorite lesbian celebrity.
I wish I could say Gay Rosario Dawson. Rosario Dawson is not gay. Gay Rosario Dawson is gay.
Any fun facts or anything else you want our readers to know?
Follow me on twitter @chikachels for updates from my brain and where you can see me live.