Despite being all the craze, you may not know that the 2014 FIFA World Cup is a soccer (or football, depending on where you live) tournament that hosts 32 teams from around the world—all ready to prove their prowess and strength in a demonstration that encourages and promotes a sense of superior nationalism.
In Chicago, December of 1924, Henry Gerber and six other men started the first known organization in the United States to focus on gay rights. Funded almost exclusively by Gerber, the organization published two newsletters titled, Friendship and Freedom.
More often than not, the LGB community omits and neglects the people and importance of the T in our acronym. Despite being dubbed by various news outlets as “The next civil rights frontier”, it is all too easy to misunderstand, misrepresent and misplace the transgender community.
Yesterday, The DC Center for the LGBT Community, the Center for Black Equity, Casa Ruby, SMYAL, Us Helping Us, HIPS, and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) expressed their deep disappointment that not a single local LGBT organization received funding under the City Fund…