narcissist-imageDr. Claudia Contessini, PhD offers unique insight to the mind of a narcissist. In recent years, she has found “enormous numbers of people negatively affected by relationships with narcissists; partners, bosses, neighbors.” Dr. Contessini is also well-known for her lesbian singles seminars and other LGBTQ workshops in the D.C. and Rehoboth Beach areas.

On October 10 she will delve into a seminar on narcissists and how to spot their characteristics in a variety of people in differing situations so you can weed them out of your life. Once those characteristics are spotted it will become increasingly easier to see how a narcissist thinks and develop tactics for survival. The damage done from being in a narcissistic relationship can be devastating, but Dr. Contessini imparts direction for healing and growing after leaving.

A narcissist possesses any number of personality traits causing trouble for everyone they come in close contact with, in some cases these traits are more extreme than others. The skills that a narcissist possess make it even more difficult to spot them. They use their charm as a weapon, are able to camouflage just enough to avoid detection, and use psychotherapy as a means to get better at hiding their true selves. Dr. Contessini will discuss two types of narcissists; grandiose and covert. While developing a relationship with either is damaging, covert narcissists are harder to spot due to their introverted, quiet nature. Once you know what red flags to look for it will make it exceedingly easier.

Being in a relationship with a narcissist, whether intimate or otherwise can cause vast damage. Not only can it cause you to lose your self-confidence and your sense of self. Survivors also exhibit anger, disorientation and post-traumatic stress. Dr. Contessini aspires to not only help one heal but to “bring them forward and past the damage that was done so they can grow into the life that they really want. To be much stronger and happier. To see that they are someone that is deserving of healthy relationships.”

If you are looking for guidance on how to spot and avoid narcissists, or if you are looking to be encouraged or empowered to leave the narcissistic relationships you are in, this seminar is for you. Take what you learn to help heal and come out the other side stronger, brighter and happier.

The seminar is open to anyone (gay-inclusive), register here to reserve a space. You are invited to stay after the seminar for light refreshments and to meet others and share your stories and experiences. If you are unable to come to the seminar Dr. Contessini invites you to sign up for updates and private coaching session through her website.

Saturday, October 10, 2015
2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Downtown Washington DC venue near DuPont Circle
Registration fee: $50




By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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