June 13, 2014

Femme Problems 124: The Proposal

I have always worked hard to get what I want. I don’t wait around for good things to happen to me; instead, I make them happen. I have a dream and a vision and before I know it, I’m on a mission. Such is the spirit of a true femme.
May 22, 2014

Femme Problems 123: A Broke Femme’s Guide to DC Black Pride

One of my favorite things about living in Washington, D.C. is Pride season. The weather is hot, the trees are blooming, and everyone starts breaking out their light attire. DC Black Pride is always my first guaranteed opportunity to break out my "light attire" and celebrate with the drool worthy folks I am happy to call queer family.
May 9, 2014

Femme Problems 122: Understanding My Femme Privilege

A while back, I wrote Five Lesbians to Avoid at the Bar, a femme problems article where I explored and even poked a little fun at certain bar clichés and stereotypes, such as the gold digging femme and the baby dyke.
May 1, 2014

Femme Problems 121: Coping with Femme Invisibility

As Beyoncé says, pretty hurts, and in the case of femme presentation, it hurts us in ways that others in our community may not even know or notice. Sure—being a femme lesbian has its perks and privileges, but it certainly doesn’t come without its fair share of disadvantages.