July 23, 2019
Two women holding hands in ocean water

Summer Fling or the Real Thing?

By Meghann Novinskie and Kim Rosenberg
There is a stigma about summer flings that forces us to shut down the thought of turning Ms. Summer into Ms. Long Term Partner. The summer fling–it’s hot, it’s thrilling, and it’s inevitable. It’s also free of drama, hassles, and commitment.
March 19, 2019

10 Best Spring Date Ideas

No more cozying up by the fireplace or snuggling under covers together with your partner. Now that warm weather is right around the corner, it’s time to shed the blankets and layers of clothing, and start thinking about what new and exciting memories you can make together.
November 19, 2018
A woman poses on a kitchen counter in a shimmery dress wearing tensil around her shoulders and red sunglasses.

How to Jingle If You Are Single

With its romantic lights, glittering parties, and family gatherings the […]
September 17, 2014
Two women pose in the city together. The one in front looks upset, while the one behind her smiles into the camera, unaware of the other woman's facial expression. They are both white-passing women with long brunette hair.

Dating But Not Relating?

Many would agree that online social networks, smartphone apps, matchmakers, meetups, and setups have made it easier to get a first date. But when you’re ready for a relationship, going on first date after first date can be exasperating.