September 10, 2013

LGBT Youth Face Higher Rate of Dating Abuse

Urban Institute surveys thousands of youth
The Urban Institute issued a recent report that LGBT youth face greater risk of dating abuse than their heterosexual counterparts, with transgender teens especially vulnerable to victimization.
September 3, 2013

Loving More, Loving Different, and Loving Your Way

Monogamous relationships are an awesome choice for many. But monogamy is not the only relationship model available.
August 22, 2013

10 Ways to Ruin Your Relationship

By Kathy Belge, LesbianLife at
Keeping a relationship steady and strong is hard work. It’s easy to get lazy and stop working to keep it strong. If you want your relationship to succeed, don’t fall prey to one of these common lesbian relationship killers.
July 17, 2013
Exit Interviews highway sign

The Ex-it Interview

By Michelle Alexander
I thought what if our relationship break-ups had exit interviews? Do you think our egos, tempers, and emotions could handle having a raw conversation about the real issues and why the relationship went south?