Names: Sarah Moecker & Misty Branch

Ages: Sarah, 30; Misty, 29

Professions: Sarah is an Expert Production Art Associate Manager at CustomInk and Mistry is the Production Art Lead at CustomInk

City, State: Ashburn, VA

Date of Wedding: October 2015

The Big Day: We are so early in the planning process, so we don’t even have our exact date or venue nailed down yet. However, we’ve made a few important decisions, like colors (gray & purple), the wedding party, our vegan reception menu, and our centerpieces will teach our guests something different at each table. Everything else is coming along, and we’re super excited for the day to get here!

The Firsts:
First meeting: We met in August 2009 on a group camping trip. Sarah had to leave early, so Misty offered to bring her tent to her. This led to a few weeks of nearly daily hangouts.

First date: We’ve never technically gone out on a date, but the first movie we saw together was “500 Days of Summer”. That same weekend we went tubing in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia. Through those hours of lazing along the river, we formed a strong bond and made a plan to go to Cancun that December.

First kiss: After a night out at Palace of Wonders, and a ride home full of palpable electricity from the build-up, Sarah leaned in and kissed me when we got back to her house.

When They Knew: For Sarah, the moment came when her grandma told her that she could see how much Misty cared for her. For Misty, it was a bit sooner. While dancing to some classic Boyz II Men at Sarah’s company holiday party, Misty started having feelings. As the feelings started to get overwhelming, Sarah said “I love you” for the first time.

The Proposal: We were on a camping trip in March when Misty surprised me with a camera lens travel mug over breakfast. When I opened it, there was a playing card inside saying “Turn Around”. When I did, Misty was kneeling there and smiling with the ring held out and said “Will you marry me?” As soon as I said “of course,” a cat came meowing down the hill. Before Misty even handed me the ring, she squealed “KITTY!” I’ll never forget that the proposal and the interrupting cat.

The Ring(s): Sarah’s ring is the Brilliant Earth Denali ring with the inscription: “Powered by Love” on the inside. Misty decided to wait until the wedding for a ring, but it will likely be similar to Sarah’s ring.

Honeymoon: We are still deciding where we want to go for our honeymoon, but something tropical with clear blue water is a must. We’ve been searching for vegan retreats, but we haven’t found anything that seems quite right yet.

Looking into the Future: We’re moving to Charlottesville in a few months, and from there we plan to buy a house and have 2-3 children in a few years.


By Eboné Bell

Eboné is the Editor-in-Chief of Tagg Magazine. She is the illegitimate child of Oprah and it's only right that she continues their legacy in the media world.

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